Lectures and presentations are about the causes of poverty and inequality in the world or their related issues. Each lecture or presentation includes “food for thought” or ends with tantalizing dilemmas or thought-provoking statements for discussion, so anything to keep it stimulating and to see the other side of the coin. The goal is to get people thinking. Focus of these lectures and presentations can be adjusted to fit the client’s or audience’s interest. The presentation can be given at any level and is suitable for any organization. Topics of lectures and presentation may:


·        The origin of poverty in the world

·        Inequality, how do we measure it and is it really wrong?

·        Asylum and labor migration flows: considerations migrants have before theymigrate

·        Development Cooperation and why more money is not the answer to endpoverty

·        Microfinance,the promises and the realities on the ground

·        Otherdevelopment topics can be presented upon request


Duration of the presentation

- 30 to 60 minutes (depending on the client and excluding time for discussions).

- If requested, the presentation can be done through interaction andwith a Q&A session


I enjoy sharing my personal experiences in poor countries. During my presentations I discuss among others the causes of poverty and inequality in the world; global asylum and migration flows; the role of microcredit in poverty reduction; and how development organizations work. I talk about my personal experiences and insights, and like to provide the audience with “food for thought”.

Let's have a conversation

“Talking to these guys was actually fun! Their work was amazing.”  - Some client


Poverty and related inequality remain intractable problems. During this presentation, I discuss the origin of poverty and I explain how Europe and North America have succeeded in eradicating most poverty. I also explain why this just does not happen in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. I also discuss what needs to be done in poor countries and what the role of freedom is in reducing or ending poverty.


International migration and asylum flows cause heated debates in rich countries. During my stay in poor countries, migration was a topic that came up regularly as well and I have talked with those left behind. During this presentation, I share the results of these discussions. I discuss the considerations young migrants and asylum seekers make before they leave their country and what their expectations are. I also explain how asylum and migration flows are linked to globalization.


For a long time, microcredit was seen as an efficient and effective means to fight poverty. I discuss why microcredit became microfinance and why nowadays it is called inclusive finance. I explain how difficult it is to directly link microcredit with less poverty. I also discuss what needs to be done first before microcredit can make a meaningful contribution improving the lives of small entrepreneurs and poor families.


People have very different views on the role and contribution of development cooperation in fighting poverty around the world. Their opinions are often based on superficial information and biased sources. My presentation focusses on personal experiences with bi- and multilateral development organizations in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. I discuss the challenges when development models are used and to what extent they contribute to higher incomes, prosperity, and well-being of deprived people in poor countries. But I also give examples where needs and opportunities are and discuss the importance of strong political and economic institutions. I explain that when poverty is approached from a different angle, development cooperation can make a better contribution reducing global poverty and inequality.


Obviously, I am more than happy to discuss with you any custom-made presentation, specifically tailored to your audience and interests.